Learning Disability Assessment
Learning disability Assessment is defined as a discrepancy between one’s general intellectual ability and one’s academic performance in certain academic areas, such as reading and math.
The best way to diagnose a learning disorder is through neuropsychological or psychoeducational testing.
The National Joint Committee on Learning Disabilities (NJCLD)1strongly supports comprehensive assessment and evaluation of students with learning disabilities by a multidisciplinary team for the identification and diagnosis of students with learning disabilities. Comprehensive assessment of individual students requires the use of multiple data sources. These sources may include standardized tests, informal measures, observations, student self-reports, parent reports, and progress monitoring data from response-to-intervention (RTI) approaches (NJCLD, 2005). Reliance on any single criterion for assessment or evaluation is not comprehensive, nor is a group assessment, such as universal screening or statewide academic assessment tests, sufficient for comprehensive assessment or evaluation.